
Right to rule pendor
Right to rule pendor

right to rule pendor

However, such a task usually involves the expenditure of significant sums of money on armor and weaponry which puts it out of the reach of most commoners.

right to rule pendor

Pursuing a knighthood is one of the few ways for a member of the smallfolk to achieve rank and standing amongst the nobility. A young knight-in-training is known as a " squire". Typically, young men must undergo many years of extensive and expensive training to become a knight. Gregor Clegane is knighted by Prince Rhaegar Targaryen. Either enough men, or the right man." ― Sandor Clegane Let me tell you what makes a knight: killing. " Honor, glory.lies to make idiot boys want knighthood and idiot girls spread their legs for it. Examples are Ser Rodrik Cassel and Ser Jorah Mormont, both of the North.īecause it is tied to the Faith of the Seven, knighthood does not exist in other cultures outside of the Seven Kingdoms, either among the wildlings beyond the Wall, nor across the Narrow Sea in other continents such as Essos (though of course, a knight from the Seven Kingdoms may travel to the Free Cities). Sometimes, however, a soldier who does not follow the Faith of the Seven may nonetheless be rewarded for exemplary service with the title of knighthood by a lord who does worship the Seven. For example, Eddard Stark himself was not a knight, because he proudly continued to worship the Old Gods of his ancestors, yet he was still a great warrior. The institution of knighthood is therefore not heavily practiced in these two regions, and very few Northerners or ironborn ever choose to become knights, even if they are renowned warriors. The Faith of the Seven is the dominant religion in all but two of the kingdoms: the North (whose inhabitants still worship the Old Gods of the Forest) and the Iron Islands (who follow a local deity called the Drowned God). And with any knight, honorable conduct and level of piety varies from person to person. As a result of this, knighthood is intimately tied to the Faith of the Seven, and the ideal of knighthood is to be not only an honorable warrior but a devout follower of the Seven. Knighthood originated in Andal culture, and was introduced to Westeros during the Andal Invasion six thousand years ago.

right to rule pendor

Even the ones who have never seen an arrow coming their way." ― Eddard Stark, a Northman, criticizing knights. They strut around like roosters down here.

Right to rule pendor